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Mombasa Aviation Training Institute

Diploma in Business Management at Mombasa Aviation Training Institute

This Business Management course offered at Mombasa Aviation Training Institute, is a 3 years Diploma program accredited by KNEC.

  • Diploma
  • 3 years
  • Business Management and Administration

In the contemporary business landscape, success is no longer solely reliant on the production and sale of goods or services. Instead, it hinges on the effective management and coordination of multifaceted factors across the entire spectrum of operations. Modern business managers and administrators must possess a diverse skill set encompassing finance, accounting, human resources, marketing, procurement, technology, communication, and more. Recognizing the evolving demands of the industry, the Business Management Diploma program emerges as a comprehensive pathway to equip individuals... more

Entry requirement

  • KCSE C Minus
  • Pass Craft Certificate Level in Business Management
  • Any other equivalent qualification as approved by KNEC

About Mombasa Aviation Training Institute

Mombasa Aviation Training Institute (MATI) stands as a distinguished institution of higher learning, offering an extensive array of courses spanning the realms of aviation studies, hospitality and tourism, business studies, media studies, and more. Each program is meticulously crafted to meet the evolving demands of the aviation and related industries, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to excel in their... more

Study with us

Apply to the Mombasa Aviation Training Institute for the Business Management Diploma course.